Monday, March 30, 2009

Trying to focus, focus, focus...then life gets in the way...

So hard to manage life, work and family some days. I try to tell myself that I am the world's best multi-tasker and by the end of the day, so many things still yet to do... But, then, look at all that I have accomplished!

I am still working as an insurance and finance recruiter and at this moment involved in 3 full life cycle recruiting projects: 1 moving into into its final decision stage, another deep in the interviewing phase and one still in the sourcing phase. Trying to juggle each of the relationships, manage the entire process and setting expectations to ensure the smoothest flow possible can be a daunting task. (I need to do a whole other blog for that one.) On the phones, on the phones. Calling and sourcing candidates. Yes, even with the turmoil in the financial industry companies are hiring and I have a service to provide. Albeit that business is a bit slower compared to what I had last year (running 8-12 assignments), I am not complaining. The extra time provides a luxury I would not have had last year and I will try to take advantage of the time to study to the fullest!

Along with that, I am also helping my husband grow his business -- doing PR and marketing work for him whenever my time allows. So let me shamelessly plug! Making technology make sense for you! Mac service, support and training! YAY!

Then there is my pride and joy - my family and motherhood! Doing all the fun and dedicated things an adoring mother would do for her quirky 3 year old to make him happy, healthy and thriving... And making sure that family is first. Which includes sit down family meals, date nights, heart-to-heart and all those good things.

So to throw into this mix -- my pursuit to study and sit for the PHR exam, officially makes me crazy. : ) So another benefit of blogging, my own personal counseling session!

Any way, I need to be more focus...and that focus now is looking like 10-12 am. My goal this week is to conquer Chapter 3: Strategic Management. Off to studying!

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